What do 3 pairs of sunglasses and a pink glitter jacket have to do with getting pregnant?
Jul 27, 2024
"Oh my god I didn’t even realise I was wearing so many pairs until you pointed it out!”
“My glasses are shame, worry, health anxiety, financial struggles and just general exhaustion.”
“I’m wearing enough to open a Ray-Ban store.”
“My pets are my glitter jacket but I want to find more. I miss feeling more joy.”
Just a few comments from our Embrace Circle call on Tuesday.
Watch this video 7 min video to find out why I'm dressed like a loon!:
I then received this message from Hayley one of my one to one clients who had an ectopic pregnancy loss:
"Hey after last night I had a realisation that made me really happy and I’ll put it in the group but I wanted to tell you privately before I figure out how to word it publicly.
My sadness and “sunglasses” don’t stay on all the time anymore at all. I could not relate to everyone saying they don’t feel joy anymore.
And I thought. HOLY SHIT!! 🥳🥳🥳
I was laying in bed doing the mid cycle hypnosis meditation and I just started smiling bc I realised I am listening and I’m smiling and I have more than 50% of me feeling YES it’s possible yes my body is ok. And didn’t feel like rolling my eyes once 😂
I will continue to wobble and have grief and sunglasses but I think I just suddenly felt so excited and I needed to share like oh I’m still sad but look I’m not sad all the time and I am feeling good feelings too like I absolutely feel joy and excitement and it’s not all completely shadowed all the time." - Hayley
This is the shift I support clients to have, it's important and real and amazing.
Let’s talk:
If you are ready to start removing the sunglasses you are wearing complete the form below and I’ll be in touch in the next 24 hours.
We can jump on a free video call to get crystal clear on what you are struggling with at the moment, how you would prefer to be feeling and what your 3 month goal is.
At the end of the call, if it makes sense we can have a conversation about working together.
“Even though we only spoke for half an hour I found it hugely beneficial. It was also lovely to have a proper chat and feel your passion and energy live and for real!” – Heather
Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success in 2025 using the Mind-Body Link
Without gaslighting yourself by trying to stay positive or just relax.