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How to stop the Infertility Grinch from Stealing Christmas

christmas Nov 17, 2024
How to stop the Infertility Grinch from Stealing Christmas

'I long to experience the excitement of the family going to buy the tree and decorating it to the sound of cheesy Christmas classics. This year we’ve decided to go away. Somewhere hot. Somewhere we’re not reminded of the family we haven’t got.’- Jessica Hepburn

I had just read Jessica Hepburn’s “The pursuit of motherhood” in under 24 hours, I could not put it down. It felt like having a long intimate conversation with the author or having stumbled across her diary and once you join her on the roller coaster ride of trying, and failing, to start a family, you are desperate to see if there is a happy ending.

Christmas No. 1

Her diary entry on Christmas resonated. We had just started trying, I didn’t drink at my work Christmas party which was paramount to wearing a T-shirt with ‘I AM TRYING TO GET PREGNANT!’ printed across my chest. I got knowing smiles and even a rub of my belly along with the line “You are going to be a fantastic mum!” Back then just a couple of weeks in to the trying game I smiled back and imagined how the following year would involve cards and gifts with ‘Baby’s first Christmas’ written on them.

Christmas No. 2

A year later, no baby, no pregnancy. It’s Christmas Eve and I’m back in the village I grew up in staying with my parents. We attend church just once a year for the crib service, to sing carols and to catch up with everyone. After the service I’m stood with my mum and a group of her friends, each cradling a grandchild in their arms. “Come on Naomi when you giving your mum some grandchildren?” 10 pairs of eyes look at me expectantly. Seconds feel like hours. My godmother bless her, who doesn’t know we’re trying chips in haughtily: ‘Naomi is far too busy with her important job in London to be thinking about babies!’ Phew saved but that is not the case at all, I think about babies constantly and the fact that I don’t have one yet.

Christmas No. 3

Another year later, no baby, no pregnancy, but I have left my job, just, I go to the Christmas party to say farewell to people I’ve worked with almost 8 years. I’m leaving for many reasons, 32 to be precise but the overriding comment seems to be: “I bet you’re leaving to have babies aren’t you? You will be pregnant in no time.” Christmas is just too much to handle and I officially declare it cancelled much to the dismay of family and friends. We email everyone saying we’re not doing cards or presents (buy yourself something nice and stick a label on it saying it’s from me) and will catch up with them in the New Year. We fly to Tenerife and stay in bizarre resort where the average age is 75 and every 2nd person has a mobility scooter decorated with tinsel! It’s a strange Christmas, there is a tree by the swimming pool and we still watch the sequel to The Snowman.

Christmas No. 4

Another year later, no baby, no pregnancy. There is no cancelling Christmas this year, my younger brother is bringing his new baby to the UK for a giant family Christmas. Luckily I am in a very different place to last year and am looking forward to dressing my nephew up in a fluffy reindeer onesie! However I am still apprehensive, Christmas is a time for gratitude for all that we have the flipside of this being that it is also a time to grieve that which we do not. Walking into a baby department a month after failed IVF is like walking on hot coals – excruciatingly painful unless you keep your training in the forefront of your mind. That year I was utilising every tool I had and thought I would share a handful with you:

How to stop the Infertility Grinch from Stealing Christmas

1. Cognitive behavioural therapy

Thoughts are not facts. It is very easy in this situation to feel that infertility has stolen Christmas. I used to adore this time of year, then it became something to avoid. But infertility is NOT a grinch like character, green and fluffy with a big sack into which he stuffs our joy, hope and happiness. Yes infertility is unfair, yes Christmas is ‘all about the children’ but infertility can only steal Christmas if we let it. When Christmas shopping for my nephew the thoughts running through my head went something like this: “What if I never get to shop for my own baby?” “What if aunt is as close as I ever get?” Along with these thoughts came the familiar panic in my chest and a deep overwhelming sadness. Time to bring in my first weapon, CBT. Simply ask the question:

“Do these thoughts originate from a fact? Are they true?”

Mine originated from the thought that I might not be able to have a child. This is not a fact, a possibility yes, but not a fact. Next ask:

“Is this thought helpful?”

If a thought is making you feel bad then it is not helpful. You can say to yourself:

“I notice that I am having thoughts that are neither true nor helpful!”

You may be amazed at how powerful this is and how it allows you to step back from your thinking and just observe. Be compassionate with yourself, don’t beat yourself up for having these thoughts, congratulate yourself for the fact that you have realised and are now in position to change them.

2. Stop and reset to bring comfort to your mind and body

You get to choose to calm your nervous system and bring it out of stress response in the moment.

When your mind is racing or you are overwhelmed just stop for a minute and practice my 3 + 2 = 5 breathing. 

Count to 3 in your head as you breathe in. Hold your breath for 2 counts. Then breathe out to the count of 5. Repeat for 6 – 12 breaths. 

This sends the message to body and mind that you are safe.

If your mind is going too fast for breathing then download my free Fertility Reset MP3 which is just over 3 minutes long and is designed to quickly bring your body into balance. Grab that here for free.

3. Emotional freedom technique

I have written before about how important it is to acknowledge and accept our feelings, at Christmas even more so with the presumption that we should all be merry. Emotional freedom technique (EFT) (click on link for tutorial video) is perfect for this and just saying the below statements out loud can be releasing.

“Even though I am not looking forward to Christmas I accept these feelings and myself.”

“Even though Christmas reminds me of what I do not have I can accept these thoughts and at the same time be thankful for what I do have.”

“Even though I am jealous of those who have children I know that it is okay to be jealous and I accept myself anyway.”

Would I be happy to trade lives?

A good tip when feeling jealous is to ask yourself if you would be happy to trade lives with the person you are jealous of. That means trading partners, houses, careers, family, friends and memories. You may find that when you think about it from this perspective you realise how much you have to be thankful for. If you have not done so read my blog '6 ways to cope with jealousy while trying to conceive'.

Empowered Support to set you up for 2025

These are just a fraction of the powerful mind-body techniques I use to support women who are trying to conceive.

What if I told you there is a better way to navigate ALL of this. 

A way that not only feels empowering and expansive but can DOUBLE your chances of pregnancy success in 2025 (or maybe even 2024)? 

"I am so glad I took this step to seek support from Naomi. The shift I’m already feeling in only 4 weeks is amazing. I look forward to how I feel at the end of 12 weeks. 

I would highly recommend seeking support if you feel like your mind is consumed with fertility struggles and you want to be the person you used to be. I feel like everyone even if you aren’t going through infertility should have this support in their life." - Yssie

The Embrace Fertility Method is my signature programme that shares the five steps of my unique method that is supporting women across the globe to align with their fertility and joy no matter what diagnosis or how long they have been trying. 

We have space for more members to join now.  Join now on the four part payment plan and decided in three weeks if you want to continue. If not get a full refund as I offer a 21 day money back guarantee. 

Join The Embrace Fertility Method.

The Embrace Winter Retreat

The other option is to join The Embrace Winter Retreat for a month of fertility magic and holiday support. We start next Sunday 24th of November. Winter Retreat info here

Over to You

How are you feeling about the upcoming holiday season? Come and join the conversation over on Instagram

PS Yes I did draw the Grinch image! PPS Originally written back when I was TTC myself.

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