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Natural pregnancy after surrogacy!

surrogacy Dec 12, 2021

On this weeks podcast I interview the lovely Jennifer Robertson @msjenniferrobertson who shares her story of infertility, IVF, miscarriage, surrogacy and then two surprise natural pregnancies.

She talks about her “Are you fucking kidding me” moments and shares how to take back control of your life when your only goal becomes to have a baby.
"One day you wake up, and you don’t recognise the person you have become or the life that you’re leading.  Once a confident, decisive and positive person, you now feel like the whole weight of the world is on your shoulders.  You’re angry all the time and can’t be happy when other people are happy – in fact it makes you even more miserable.  You struggle making any kind of decision, and you’re bitter and negative.  It’s like you’ve added a filter of hopelessness to yourself and your life." - Jennifer
Anyone else going “Wow has this women found my diary? How does she know?”
She knows because she lived it too.

Episode 78: Expert Interview with Jennifer Robertson

You can listen now over on the Embrace Fertility Podcast. Search for 'Embrace Fertility' on your fave podcast player and subscribe for weekly love notes.

The Injustice of Infertility

Jennifer is a fertility coach and has helped women all over the world transform their mindset and take back control of their life in the midst of infertility. 
She is also author of The Injustice of Infertility, a deeply inspiring and raw account of her own seven-year fertility journey.  
Throughout her own fertility journey, Jen discovered that her old ways of pushing and working hard weren’t serving her. She is now using the lessons learned along the way to develop programs and support women throughout their journey to motherhood - from the moment they start trying to conceive, until they hold their baby in their arms.

Fertility Support

You can follow Jennifer on Instagram @msjenniferrobertson and her website is
You can also download Jennifer's free video on how to find peace on your fertility journey here -

Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy after infertility and/or loss can be filled with a lot of conflicting emotions.  It’s excitement and joy, but also fear and guilt. If you’re familiar with this, I want you to know that there is a place for you to go and feel supported, empowered, and find comfort that you’re not alone.  Your Pregnancy Haven is a support community for women who are finally pregnant after infertility and/or loss.  It was created by my friend and fellow colleague, Jennifer Robertson. I am now an affiliate for the Pregnancy Haven so if you sign up then please do so via this link Naomi's link to Pregnancy Haven.
Jen is a fertility coach and through her programs, has helped women all over the world transform their mindset and take back control of their life in the midst of infertility.  Your Pregnancy Haven was inspired by her own struggles throughout pregnancy after 7-years of infertility and losses which included 9 IVF cycles, 2 miscarriages, a baby via surrogacy, and a baby naturally at the age of 39.  So, if you’re currently pregnant and are looking for a space to feel – 
  • Peace from the constant anxiety, so you can enjoy your pregnancy
  • Relief and comfort that everything you are feeling right now is normal 
  • Supported and heard, by those who know exactly what you’re going through
  • Excited and ready to start sharing your pregnancy with genuine happiness and hope
Then look no further.  Your Pregnancy Haven provides; weekly LIVE group coaching, a supportive community chat, weekly inspiration and motivation, all the information you’ll need throughout your pregnancy from qualified experts, and a library of resources to help you reduce your anxiety and find some peace in your pregnancy. All you have to do is click the link Naomi's link to Pregnancy Haven to find out more and get the relief and support you deserve.  

Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success in 2025 using the Mind-Body Link

Without gaslighting yourself by trying to stay positive or just relax.

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