Male infertility, finding the right coping strategies and support
Jan 15, 2024
Podcast interview with Kevin the founder of The Man Cave a male infertility/mental health advocate. Today we are discussing male infertility and the importance of finding the right coping strategies and support.
Kevin set up The Man Cave to share his story, to reach out to other men going through a similar journey and to help raise awareness of male infertility and mental health.
In this episode:
- Kevin shares his own personal journey of being told he was infertile 10 years ago
- Micro-TESE, Sertoli cell-only Syndrome, donor sperm, IVF and ICSI
- How Kevin helps men who suffer in silence by spreading awareness.
I met Kevin at The Fertility Show last year.
Anxiety and depression
"I’ve been angry, upset, lost and hurting for too long: it’s time to stand up and be counted. That’s when I decided to set up a page on Instagram called ‘The Mancave’ @them_ancave
I want to help break the stigma around male infertility. Why should we suffer in silence?!
I believe anxiety and depression go hand in hand with fertility issues, and I honestly believe men have taken their own lives due to the fact they have had very little or no help or support after being told they are infertile.
Because of this, I plan to make a difference and I want you guys to come along on this journey with me. Let’s do this together; for us, for those that have suffered in silence before us and for the men of the future, who hopefully won’t have to suffer alone." Kevin from
Connect with Kevin
@them_ancave on instagram and Twitter
So on the last Friday of every month @them_ancave on Instagram Kevin will be going live at 6.30 pm for the show ”The Man Chat” with different guest speaker every month!
Facebook group- TheManCave support group
Maximise Your Chances of Pregnancy Success in 2025 using the Mind-Body Link
Without gaslighting yourself by trying to stay positive or just relax.