The Unique Heartbreak of TFMR - Terminating a wanted pregnancy
Dec 04, 2023
This week's episode is an expert interview with with Sabrina Fletcher, The TFMR (Termination for medical reasons) Doula.
The heartbreak of losing a wanted baby
Sabrina companions bereaved parents through the unique heartbreak of losing a wanted baby to TFMR pregnancy loss. Through support groups and holistic healing she walks alongside as her community members learn to live again from the deep deep love they have for their babies and themselves.
We discuss three ways to live from the love you have for your baby and get through your underworld journey of such an intimate death and grief.
Watch on Youtube here.
Meet Sabrina
Helping bereaved parents in the aftermath of a poor prenatal/maternal/perinatal diagnosis and the heartbreaking decision to terminate a wanted pregnancy (TFMR).
As your bereavement doula, I support you as you navigate grief after baby loss. So you can learn to honor your baby and your grief and move in the world from the love you have for your child.
TFMR Bereavement Birth Plans
Having a loss birth plan will bring intention and honor to this difficult and impossible end-of-life transition of a loved baby, whether for baby's poor diagnosis or your own.
These bereavement birth plans, specifically for the heartbreaking loss of ending a wanted pregnancy for health reasons (TFMR = termination for medical reasons), offer you:
- Guidance in planning, to the best of your ability, this tragic AND special time with your baby and end of your pregnancy
- Ideas for memory making and bonding, no matter the procedure type
- "What to pack" list, for birthing person and baby
Connect with Sabrina
Apply to join Facebook Group:
TFMR grief circles
Connect with Naomi
I'm Naomi Woolfson, of Embrace Fertility, a therapist specialising in supporting women emotionally and energetically through trying to conceive, fertility treatments and then pregnancy and birth following infertility.
My partner and I went through almost 4 years of infertility, IUI’s, IVF, anxiety, surgery and a miscarriage before we went on to conceive both of our ginger children naturally!
Alongside supporting clients globally in one to one therapy and coaching sessions I run a 12 week mind-body programme guiding women through the 5 steps of my unique Embrace Fertility Method; Comfort, Coping, Connection, Clearing and finally Creating.
I also offer specialist pregnancy support and run a hypnobirthing course Embrace Bump to Baby.
Visit for more details on what I do and follow me on Instagram @embracefertility
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Without gaslighting yourself by trying to stay positive or just relax.