The Embrace Bump to Baby Course
First Week FreeSteph 5*/5*
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a rather fancy name to describe a combination of techniques that will allow you to birth your baby with confidence – no matter how or where you birth. Hypnosis is a state that we all go in and out of many times a day, any time you are completely focused on one thing you are in a trance state. Practising taking your body into a deeply relaxed and focused state during your pregnancy will allow you to recreate this on the day of your baby’s birth.
A woman’s body is designed to give birth and part of the natural process of birth involves her body releasing endorphins and oxytocin our natural painkillers. Anxiety and stress during labour can halt this process so this course will support you in clearing any fears or doubts and teach you how to enhance these feel good hormones when your baby is on his or her way.
Olivera 5*/5*
"It was great, a 9/10 in terms of being a positive experience. The only thing I would change is the fact I thought I would be quieter but it felt right to make really deep noises during contractions. Leigh and I felt so bonded to each other and our baby it really felt like we did it together."

Week One - Let's Get Started
- The benefits and evidence of hypnobirthing in reducing labour time, pain and medical intervention
- The 5:1 positive to negative Ratio
- Relax and release breathing exercise
- Your goals and intentions for the course
- Begin work to clear any concerns or previous negative birth experiences
- Hypnosis MP3: Daily chill out for mums and dads-to-be
- BONUS VIDEO: Active birth positions.

Week 2 – Your body working perfectly
- The stages of labour
- The power of language
- A letter to my midwife
- Hypnosis MP3s: ‘Embracing birth’ and ‘Affirmations for pregnancy and birth’

Week 3 – Your birth plan, prep & partner
- Your birth preferences
- Transform your partner into a superhero birth partner
- Your birth bubble - Create a nest and up that oxytocin
- Hypnosis MP3s: ‘Birth partners preparation’
- Additional video: Soft touch massage and counter pressure techniques

Week 4 – You can do this
- Birth Breathing
- Pain management techniques
- What if things don’t go according to plan?
- Hypnosis MP3s: 'Pain management' and 'Let it be'
Steph 5*/5*
Bonus Content
Alongside the 4 weeks of pre-recorded video classes – Value £600
and the 5 x powerful Hypnosis MP3s – Value £60
You will receive 7 fantastic bonuses.
Mindfulness for pregnancy and parenthood – Value £40
- I share mindfulness techniques that I feel are invaluable during pregnancy and parenthood to allow you to feel less stressed and more connected to your baby. Includes ‘The first few weeks of parenthood – Tips and resources.’ Includes breastfeeding and attachment parenting resources.
- MP3s: ‘5 min mindfulness’, ‘Thoughts meditation’ and ‘Body scan’.
Deep Rest Supercharge Your Sleep Yoga Nidra MP3 – Value £12
- Nourish your mind and body with deep rest and replenishing sleep with this magical MP3.
Emotional freedom technique tutorial video and workbook – Value £20
- EFT tapping does exactly what it says on the tin, it gives you emotional freedom from your worries and is also a fantastic pain management technique.
- Video: Tutorial video which includes how the technique works and how to use it to relieve anxiety.
Coping and comfort hypnosis MP3 and Video – Value £12
- Incorporates simple acupressure techniques that you can use on a daily basis to bring your body out of stress and into rest and relaxation. Many clients say that listening to this MP3 on a regular basis has improved their sleep, allowed them to feel calmer and less stressed no matter what is going on in the lives and has given them a sense of well-being.
- Hypnosis MP3: ‘Coping and Comfort’.
- Video: Acupressure techniques.
Gentle C-Sections – Value £15
- Hypnobirthing can still be beneficial for cesarean births. The majority of the course if aimed at natural childbirth/ This bonus includes lots of information and resources for if you need to switch your birth plan.
Embrace Bump to Baby online hub - Value Priceless
- Membership to The Embrace Bump to Baby online community.
- Membership to the More Mojo for Mums community.
- Ask Naomi questions about the course, connect with other like-minded members and access birth, breastfeeding and parenting resources.
Discount on one to one sessions with Naomi – Value £100
- I am a trauma trained therapist with over a decades experience. I offer a discount on my my three session pregnancy care package for anyone taking the Embrace Bump to Baby course. Read more about that here.
Tom 5*/5*
How this course is different
Learning how to be mindful, that is completely connected to the present moment, is a fantastic tool not just for birth but as a new parent. We will practice mindfulness techniques and I've included a bonuses on bringing mindfulness to pregnancy and parenthood.
I talk you through the physical stages of labour, share videos and MP3s packed full of tools and tips on how to best prepare for your baby's birth. Week 3 includes how your partner can become a superhero birth partner.
I also teach pain management techniques. Most courses will not use the word pain and many hypnobirthing mums report that although their labours were intense they did not experience any pain. (I am now one of those mums, my son’s birth was hard work but I birthed drug and pain-free and actually enjoyed myself as I felt amazed by what my body was achieving.)
Therefore you might prefer to refer to these as sensation control techniques and may not even need them. However having these tricks up your sleeve throughout pregnancy and childbirth can only be a good thing, plus they are a really fun thing to practice with your partner!
Amy 5*/5*
The benefits of an online course
Frequently asked questions
When is the best time to take this course?
Does the course include one to one support?
How long does the course take to complete?
Is there a Bump to Baby community?
Can I access the course from my phone?
Birth with confidence
- 4 weeks pre-recorded video classes with Naomi – Value: £600
- 5 x powerful Hypnosis MP3s – Value: £60
- Mindfulness for pregnancy and parenthood including 3 mindfulness MP3s - Value £40
- Deep Rest Supercharge Your Sleep Yoga Nidra MP3 – Value £12
- Emotional freedom technique tutorial video and workbook – Value £20
- Coping and comfort hypnosis MP3 and Video – Value £12
- Gentle C-Sections – Value £15
- Embrace Bump to Baby online hub - Value Priceless
- Discount on one to one sessions with a trauma trained therapist with over a decades experience. - Value £100
Buy course now £225